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TWISTED (Libro en papel)

8,50 €
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Año de edición:
Literatura en inglés

TWISTED (Libro en papel)


Marcus and Lena Fulford are the envy of their friends. Wealthy, attractive and successful, the couple, with their strikingly beautiful teenage daughter Amy, seem settled and content. But appearances mask a strained relationship almost at breaking point. Marcus’s latest business venture has failed, draining Lena, the major breadwinner dry. Putting Amy into weekly boarding school and striving to get her own career back on its feet, Lena remains alone in the luxurious family house as her marriage heads towards as amicable a divorce as she and Marcus can muster, and joint custody of their only child.
So, when Amy arranges a sleepover with a school friend one weekend, neither parent sees the need to be in touch with her. Saturday, Sunday, Monday morning pass before Lena – seething from an unexpectedly confrontational meeting with Marcus’s divorce lawyer – phones Amy. Straight to voicemail. She must be in lessons… Lena sends a text. She waits. No reply… No contact whatsoever. It is only when Amy is reported missing from school and her friend’s mother reveals that instead of staying with them, Amy was visiting her father – a fact vehemently denied by Marcus – that Lena contacts the police. Her daughter has not been seen since Saturday afternoon.
As the police intensify their enquiries, their reassurances that Amy will be found safe and well begin to sound increasingly hollow. DI Victor Reid, in charge of the case, fears the worst – abduction or even murder. A family under constant police and press scrutiny, a father who has seemingly lied about his alibi for the weekend, a mother whose perfect world is crumbling beneath her feet, a detective under pressure from his impatient superiors to deliver a result… all conspire to make Lynda La Plante’s latest thriller her most tense and terrifying yet.
Where is Amy? Is she alive or dead? Lies and betrayal mount as the hunt for a missing girl becomes a search for a body…

8,50 €
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